TDD Call Centres (Rabat)

Our final client, in its expansión by the North of Africa, required a full inspection of the architectural elements and building services of four possible locations to stablish a new call centre in Rabat (Morocco)
Given that VM&TS has a great experience designing CPDs and call centres and managing the construction of them, as well as many other projects through the Mahgreb, our client appointed VM&TS to carry out the technical inspection, the analysis of the buildings, review the design projct and the status of the licenses, etc… to ensure that the 4 preselected locations could comply with the client requirements, based on European standards as well as with those specific requirements for CPDs and call centres. In addition to the report drafted, it was required a CAPEX estimating the inversion, based on the Moroccan benchmarking.
Status: Inspections and reports were completed during October and November 2016
Location: Rabat, Morocco